2015+ Chevy Tahoe Tactical “side-car” console, this system combines a primary console the 7.5” VH-TAH15 console and the 4.5 inch wide “side-car” addition.
The console system is 11.5” front height, 4.5” vertical and 18” horizontal equipment space. The “side-car” includes 2 power plugs and a relocation location for the Chevy media center & plugs.
The horizontal section of the “side-car” is a multi-use section. It includes a dual XL cup holder module and a flat mounting plate. The plate can be used for mic clips or note pad clips. The plate can also be removed completely to provide an open top ticket book holder or storage box. The cup holder module and plate unit are location interchangeable.
The VH-TAH15-SC system needs to be installed on the new TAH15W-Base wider base plate. The SIDE-CAR system fills the area between Lund’s industry leading thin console profile and the wide seat configuration in the new Tahoe.