2021+ Chevy Tahoe Tactical “Side-Car” Console system combines a primary 7.5” console and the 4.5 inch wide “side-car” addition.
The console system has a 10” front height, 8.5” vertical and 13.5” horizontal equipment mounting space in the primary console section and offers a computer mounting point on the top of the console as well as a relocation point for the OEM USB Media Plate.
The “side-car” includes 2 power plugs and 2 XL Cupholders and 16” x 4.5” of open space for storage, printers, small weapons and more. The cup holder module and power plug units are location interchangeable.
The VH-21TAH-SC system needs to be installed on the new 21TAHW-BASE wider base plate. The SIDE-CAR system fills the area between Lund’s industry leading thin console profile and the wide seat configuration in the new Tahoe.